Town Hall Is Now Open Between 10am and 2pm

Dear Residents and Members of the Public:

Beginning May 4th, 2021, the Mountain View Town Hall will be open to the public between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday.

Visitors should be able to conduct all business in the small front lobby. One customer will be allowed into the lobby at a time. If there are multiple customers waiting for service, each must wait outside until the one inside the lobby leaves the building.

At times, members of the public may need to enter the office. To do so, they must be masked and observe physical distancing as described below. Only one member of the public will be allowed into the building per Town department (court, town clerk, building permits, and police dept.) at any one time.

When necessary, members of the public may also make appointments to meet with individual staff outside of these public office hours. Please contact the appropriate staff member through the main number at 303-421-7282.

Distancing Requirements:

a. Visitors must maintain at least 6 feet of distance from other individuals at the Town Hall. Each department will continue to arrange their space or seating areas to accommodate 6-foot distancing, whenever practicable.

b. All council meetings, and other meetings of more than ten people-will continue to be conducted remotely until further notice.

Face Covering Requirements and Onsite Visit Limitations:

 Face coverings are still required to be worn inside the Mountain View Town Hall, pursuant to executive orders from the state of Colorado. Such masks must fit snugly over your nose and mouth.

Visitors and/or members of the public showing any symptoms or signs of sickness, or who have been in contact with known positive Covid-19 cases are not allowed inside the Mountain View Town Hall.

How to Conduct Town Business Without Visiting the Mountain View Town Hall

  • Most Town business can be conducted through mail and/or email.

  • Residents can mail payments for quarterly fees (or moving violation fees and fines). We also offer a drop box on the wall to the left of the Town Hall front door for making payments.

  • To call in a payment or for permit or general inquiries, please leave a message for the appropriate department at 303-421-7282. Staff will be checking voicemails several times per week and will call you back to take a payment, route your message to the appropriate person, or answer your questions during their limited on-site office hours.

  • When submitting a building permit, please email the permit application to the Town.

  • Town contact information and permit applications can be found on our website, located at

  • If necessary, please contact our Court Clerk through email and telephone at [email protected] and 303-432-9097.(Email is best.)

  • If you’re a resident who’s unable to mail a payment or drop it off, our Police Department will pick up payments. Please call the non-emergency police department line at 303-425-1748 for details.

  • For non-emergency Mountain View Police Department inquiries, the office number is 303-425-1748.

  • To make an appointment for Town Clerk or Treasurer items, please call 303-421-7282.

Thank you in advance for your continued patience and for helping keep our community safe.

 -Glenn Levy, Mayor

The Town of Mountain View, Colorado

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