Mayor's Letter to Residents - February 15, 2021

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February 15, 2021

Dear Mountain View Community,

By now, you may have received notices about several events happening this month in Town. Here is a little more information about each of them. I hope you are able to participate!

o We were very pleased by the number of residents who stopped by Town Hall to pick up N-95 masks in response  to our Valentine's Day invitation.  We have several, so feel free to pick up extras for your household. Children's sizes are available. 

o Hopefully, you have received a beautiful poster (designed by Council Member Brittany Loecher) on your door this past week, announcing a donation drive to support the non- profit, RecoveryWorks. The Council is excited to partner with the Police Department and the residents to collect personal items in support of RecoveryWork's mission to assist unhoused individuals. Stop by Town Hall on Saturday, February 19th from 8 am until noon to drop off your donations. (See the complete list of needed items at As a community, we hope to continue to support good causes like this throughout the year.

o March 16th marks the third monthly Community Office Hours, an opportunity for you to join me at my home (5461 W 41st Avenue) between 10 am and 1 pm on the third Wednesday of each month to chat about anything on your mind. And don't hesitate to let me know if this time doesn't agree with your schedule. We can always set up individual coffee dates as well. I want to hear what is important to you. And I'm always excited to share what's happening at Town Hall. Feel free to contact me at 720-919- 0329 or [email protected].

o The Council is currently seeking volunteers for the Board of Adjustment and Appeals. This is the Charter-mandated board that makes quasi-judicial decisions regarding exceptions to our town code, when necessary. The board serves a very important purpose and will meet once a month for a couple of hours. It will be comprised of five members of our community. If you are interested in helping our Town, please consider applying. You do not need to have any prior experience for this position, and training will be provided. It is an opportunity to get to know other community members. You can find more details and the application on our website here or by asking our Town Clerk Margy Greer ([email protected]). Feel free to reach out to me, too, of course.

Lastly, I've heard some complaints about neighbors not cleaning up after their dogs. To help toward this end, Public Works Director Gene Bird is purchasing additional trash cans and waste bags to install around town.

Please be respectful of one another's property and the Town. Be kind and let's keep Mountain View friendly!

Thank you for taking the time to stay informed about your community by reading this letter.


Mitcham signature
Emilie Mitcham Mayor

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