Minutes: December 13, 2021

December 13, 2021

(These minutes are not a verbatim transcript, but rather the attempt of the Clerk to capture the intent of the speaker. All votes were taken via Roll Call Vote.)

1. Call to Order

Mayor Emilie Mitcham called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The meeting was held virtually through GoToMeeting.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

Those present stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

<p 2.="" roll="" call<br="">Present: Emilie Mitcham, Sean Davis, Mladenka Boehrer, Kathleen Bailey, Brittany Loecher and Brent Metz. A quorum was established.

Staff in attendance: Police Chief Steve Davis, Town Attorney Dan Harvey, Public Works Director Gene Bird and Town Clerk Margy Greer.

3. Mayor’s Report

Mayor Mitcham reported that in the last two weeks, we have lost access to our website, two of our servers have crashed, and we’ve had a hard time hiring new people. She stated that the Town has highly-qualified staff, great residents and each other. She stated that in the coming months and years, she hopes to begin to plan for the future of Mountain View, strategically thinking about what is special about the Town to the residents and what Council is responsible for protecting. She wants to preserve it, prosper, have long-time financial stability, and for the residents to have a high quality of life. She welcomed each council member and stated she looked forward to working with them to reach these goals.

3. Proclamation

Mayor Mitcham read a proclamation proclaiming National Radon Action Month in Mountain View, Colorado and encouraged residents to have their homes tested and to be safe.

4. Interviews for Town Council

Applicant Catherine Colwell was interviewed by the Council. Council Members reviewed her application and asked questions regarding her interests and experience.

5. Resolution 2021-12-13F – A Resolution Appointing a New Member to Serve in the Council Office Vacated by Abby Laib

Bailey made a motion to approve Resolution 2021-12-13F, which appoints Catherine Colwell to Council. It was seconded by Metz. With all those present voting yes, the motion carried.

Town Clerk Margy Greer administered the Oath of Office to Catherine Colwell. At this point, Colwell became a voting member of Town Council and participated as such in the meeting.

6. Staff Update/Reports

A. Town Attorney Dan Harvey introduced himself as the Town’s new attorney and spoke to his background and experience.

B. Police Chief Steve Davis stated the monthly statistics had been included in the Agenda Packet. He welcomed Mayor Mitcham and stated he has met with her already and feels good about working together. Davis stated Officers Hicks and Garrow were promoted to the rank of Corporal. Hicks will be attending a hiring event at Colorado Mills Mall tomorrow. He reported on the arrest of the suspect who stole glasses from Look Optical and as well as other activities in his department.

C. Public Works Director Gene Bird stated his report was in the Packet and included information on the abatement project and included information other incidences in Town. Director Bird informed Council it was time to consider purchasing a new plow. Council Member Metz asked if the Town should own a snowplow rather than contract with a company that owns the plow. After discussion, Mayor Mitcham asked Director Bird to bring information to the December meeting regarding costs and services for the current snowplowing plan vs. contracting with an outside company.

7. Consent Agenda

The Consent Agenda consisted of the November 15, 2021 Council Meeting Minutes only. Council Member Colwell made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. It was seconded by Bailey. With all those present voting yes, the motion carried,

8. Public Comment

There was no public comment.

9. Resolution No. 2021-12-13A – A Resolution Appointing Kathleen S. Bailey as the Mayor Pro Tem for the Town of Mountain View, Colorado

Council Member Davis made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2021-12-13A. It was seconded by Bailey. With all those present voting yes, the motion carried.

10. Resolution No. 2021-12-13B – A Resolution Appointing Daniel Harvey of
Hoffmann, Parker, Wilson & Carberry, P.C., as the Town Attorney for the Town of Mountain View, Colorado

Council Member Boehrer made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2021-12-13B. It was seconded by Davis. With all those present voting yes, the motion carried.

11. Resolution No. 2021-12-13C – A Resolution to Appoint Steven Davis as the
Police Chief for the Town of Mountain View, Colorado

Council Member Metz made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2021-12-13C. It was seconded by Boehrer. With all those present voting yes, the motion carried.

12. Resolution No. 2021-12-13D – A Resolution Appointing Margy Greer as the
Town Clerk/Treasurer for the Town of Mountain View, Colorado

Council Member Loecher made a motion to adopt Resolution 2021-12-13D. It
was seconded by Colwell. With all those present voting yes, the motion carried.

13. Resolution No. 2021-12-15E - A Resolution Appointing Michelle Kline as the
Municipal Judge for the Town of Mountain View, Colorado

Council Member Colwell made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2021-12-15E. It
was seconded by Loecher. With all those present voting yes, the motion carried.

14. General Business

A. Council Committees

Mayor Mitcham stated that she revisited the council committees and would like to have Council spend more time on legislative work and long-term planning, in keep with their responsibilities as policy makers and less time on projects that should be done by staff or volunteers. After discussion, the following Committees/Projects were assigned:


Finance Committee with Sean Davis as Chair (having banking signatory authority)
Historical Mountain View Committee with Catherine Colwell as Chair and Mlandenka Boehrer
Events Committee with Brittany Loecher as Chair


Town Hall Removal Planning and Recommendation – Brent Metz, Lead (This project may become a Committee instead.)
Website Improvement Project – Kathleen Bailey, Lead

Previous Committees and appointments not mentioned above will be dissolved and in the future, ad hoc committees may be established as necessary.

B. Council Rules and Procedures

Mayor Mitcham had distributed an updated version of the Town Council Rules and Procedures. After some discussion, it was decided that the document would be placed on the next Council Agenda for possible adoption.

C. Board of Adjustment and Appeals

Mayor Mitcham stated that there needs to be some education and implementation of a new Board of Adjustments and Appeals (BOAA). After some discussion, it was decided that the Town Attorney would update a previous memo provided by his firm which will explain in some detail the responsibilities and laws regarding a BOAA.

15. Mayor and Council Reports

Brent Metz – stated that he had met with the Chief and talked about wants and needs for the Police Department regarding a Town Hall remodel. He spoke with Sean about revamping the zoning code and will need suggestions from a third-party, SafeBuilt.

Brittany Loecher – stated she hoped Council would attend the Santa Claus event on Saturday.

Kathleen Bailey – reported the Terracycle collection receptacle has been chosen and asked for feedback from Council. She stated she is working on the website. Bailey also asked for a “no-knock” ordinance to be placed on the agenda for discussion and possible adoption.

Catherine Colwell – She reported that prior Mayor VanHart and resident Sharon Friel and she will be working on historical records. This is another way to create community. Suggestions to have historical information on the website and in the newsletter were made.

Sean Davis – stated that in the interim, he has signed the Town checks as the Chair of the Finance Committee and as Mayor Pro Tem. The Mayor is now on the bank accounts and will take over signing checks for the Town.

Mia Boehrer – asked for an update on the sewer project. Mayor Mitcham stated she and the public works director met with the contractors and they are moving forward with the project without changes.

Emilie Mitcham – Mayor Mitcham stated that she would like to meet in person for the January meeting. She stated meetings should be all remote or all in-person for Council Members. The Town is moving from GoToMeetings to Zoom for remote meetings. She stated it was important for Council to know about the hardware failures with the servers at Town Hall. She updated Council on the abatement issues on a house on Ames Street; the need for the Board of Adjustments and Appeals; and the hiring of the administrative assistant. She stated she would continue to keep Council informed as much as possible.

17. Adjournment

Bailey made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mayor Mitcham adjourned the meeting at 9:17 p.m.

Emilie Mitcham, Mayor


Margy Greer, Town Clerk

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